Freitag, 18. März 2016


So, there is no such thing as the perfect relationship. There is no such thing as being the perfect person. There is nothng that can be perfect forever. What people often forget is, it  is not about perefection, it is about happiness. Every little detail in your life can seem as perfect as it can be, but if you are not happy, it simply doesn`t count. Happiness goes over perfection. I truly believe that we can`t pretend to have perfection if it does not involve happiness. We often think everything needs to be perfect so we can be happy. It hurts to see people pretendig to be happy, until they realize they are lying to themselves. I just don`t get why we are so obsessed with being perfect insted of focusin on being happy. Sido a German rapper once said: I am not a believer but I do believe that we are all pretty messed up
So, there is no such thing as the perfect relationship. There is no such thing as being a perfect person. There is no such thing that can be perfect forever, what people often forget, it is not about perfection it is about happiness. Every little detail in your life can seem as perfect as it can be if you are not happy it does not count. Happiness goes over perfection, I do not think that we can pretend the perfection if we are not happy. A lot of people always think everything needs to be perfect so they can be happy. Why are people pretending to be happy for a way to long time, until they are realizing they are lying? I just don`t get why we are so obsessed with being perfect instead of focusing on happiness. Sido a German rapper once said:” I am not a believer but I believe that we are all pretty messed up.”
What he wants to say with that, is that the world is pretty fucked up. There are so many wars going on right now, so many kids are starving, sleeping on the street and all we do is focus on our perfection instead of spreading happiness around this fucked up I think what he wanted to say with that is, that the world is a pretty fucked up place. There are so many wars going on right now, so many people are starving or sleeping on the streets. And all we are doing, is focusing on perfection insted of spreading happiness around this sad place, the world seems to be right now.


                              In these pictures my friends and i chose happiness over perfection.
                              Ps: Keep smiling :) Throw happiness around like confetti!




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